Tuesday, August 9, 2016

First workings with Astaroth(Goetia)

My first experience with Astaroth happened quite recently. It was an amazing experience and she delivered more than I asked every time.
I didn't know much about Astaroth or her powers, until one day I found a really simple invocation in Carl Nagel's Hidden Secrets (he says she's his first choice when he needs money). It's more like a prayer than a ritual. So I researched a little and found out that the name Astaroth is derived from Astarte, a Phoenician goddess equivalent to the Babylonian Ishtar. After a few days I was already felling kind of connected and it felt like the right time so I did it.
I did the Qabalistic Cross as it makes me feel one with the divine, had Astaroth's seal on the table and in a very respectful way I called her and thanked her like the book instructs.
The room got a little colder, but comfortably colder and I could feel the energy. It was very good and friendly. Then I told her that I didn't really know what to expect and that was when the spirit's presence made me feel great and put a smile on my face. I felt truly thankful for her presence. I can't really describe what I felt, but I can tell you it was a great experience. I never had any experience like this before.
I asked for a sum of money (not too large) that I needed pretty quickly and I knew I woldn't be able to get it in time. In about 36 hours later I had almost twice the amount I asked for.
Since then I've worked with Astaroth a few more times and it's been great. Sometimes I'll get an unusual idea and money comes trough it, other times customers just seem to buy more than usual, but my income always increases in a way that I don't even think could be coincidence.

For me, it has been really important to follow my intuition after the rituals and act on it.

After my first experience with Astaroth my long gone interest in Goetia came back stronger than ever. Since then I checked out more of Carl Nagel's Books, since I like the way he writes and his methods, and there are quite a few on this subject.

I can personally recommend:
Hidden Secrets - There are dozens of spells and rituals here, and they work, as well as a little section on Goetia that reminds you of the importance of being respectful and puts away a lot of that superstition that will only draw you back;

New Goetian Power Chants - If you know The Miracle of The New Avatar Power, you're already familiarized with the system contained in this book. It's simple and effective;

Goetian Pyramid Power - Another interesting and effective system to make contact with these great Daemons.

I own quite a few books by Carl Nagel and these are the ones I own and recommend when it comes to Goetia, but he has quite a few other titles on this subject.

Another great resource is Rufus Opus' A Modern Goetic Grimoire, but I don't know where you can get it nowadays, so I'm linking to his blog and there you can find a way to contact him if you really want it.

Before you do anything, research as much as you can. Google is your friend. Forums like Studio Arcanis are great for this. Remember: When you're researching about a spirit you intent to work with, you're already familiarizing yourself with it, thus you're more likely to be successful.

I hope you enjoyed reading. If you have anything to add or any questions, please leave a comment.

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